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- Category: Diet
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We are what we eat.
This applies to every living thing, even cats. Those who have a healthy diet can count on a longer, healthier life with fewer pathologies.
The cat
being a narrow carnivore, it will have to have a diet with proteins of animal origin, it has a set of teeth suitable for tearing meat, chewing the entrails and shredding bones.
Keeping these characteristics of the cat in mind and making use of the fundamental help of a nutritionist veterinarian, we will be able to create a personalized balanced homemade diet.
Why personalized?
Because each cat is different from another (age, sex, conformation, history, health, etc.) and the need for a specific ad hoc diet that only an expert can guarantee. Improvising it is easy to make nutritional errors and cause serious deficiencies in our cat.
The home diet has many advantages:
It is cheap or in any case no more expensive than an excellent brand of croquettes. Healthy and ESPECIALLY we have the possibility to choose all the ingredients that we are going to put in the dish that, with love, we will prepare for our friends.
The foods that we will supply will be varied, genuine, fresh, tasty and of quality and WITHOUT the preservatives and additives that the croquettes and industrial wet food contain. They will also be highly assimilable and digestible as they will not have undergone industrial processes.
This healthy diet is also of primary importance in the management of gastrointestinal, dermatological, oncological diseases, inappetence, obesity and convalescence and positively affects behavior and coexistence in families with several cats.
The home diet is NOT the cooking of scraps and leftovers.
It is based on the administration of meats that can also be given raw, alternating and varying them (beef, chicken, turkey, fish, etc.). Excluding raw pork because it can contain Aujezsky's disease virus, which if transmitted to our cat is lethal. Pork must be cooked very well before serving.
The innards and pulpy bones should not be missing in the home diet. The pulpy bones are rich in calcium, vitamins, minerals. Also important for their beneficial effect on teeth and chewing and to simulate as much as possible a meal from a wild predator. the innards are rich in Taurine (essential for the health and well-being of our cat).
The meaty bones
they are covered in meat and are very soft (like chicken wings). They must not be cooked because the raw bone breaks without splintering while the cooked bone splinters and can seriously damage the cat's intestine. Furthermore, without cooking, the vitamin and nutritional value of food remains unaltered.
Avoid alternating kibble or industrial food with the home diet to avoid the risk of not being able to properly balance nutrients and burdening the digestive system of our cat.
The use of quality cuts but little used for human nutrition (white beef, chicken wings and the like) and the large use of offal, makes this diet affordable and affordable for everyone, also limiting food waste.
If we can be consistent, we will soon see results. The hair will become shinier, the breath will no longer have bad smell, the feces will be regular, of the right consistency and in minimal quantity, and we will notice a reduction in phenomena such as dermatitis, digestive difficulties and other problems that often afflict cats fed with industrial food. and surely we will have a great saving on veterinary care.
For more information, insights and to give your cat this fantastic opportunity to provide a healthy diet full of delicious and healthy dishes, you can contact Dr. Elisabetta Allegrucci, veterinary nutritionist and behaviorist for dogs and cats.
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Article written in collaboration with Dr. Elisabetta Allegrucci